Foosty Factor: The ability of the biscuit to retain it's freshness, outwith the original packaging.

Frigidity: Can the biscuit be enjoyed "as is", or does it perform best after a period of refrigeration.

Crumb Count: This is an average of two scores. Can the biscuit be eaten in bed without leaving sharp crumbs to ruin a restful night's sleep and can it be eaten in the car without some crumbs disappearing between your legs and melting onto the upholstery.

Originality: Does the biscuit have it's own personality or is it Deja Vu?

Dunkability: Slam dunk or dunk sploosh?

Taste: Does it swirl around your heart on it's way to your stomach.

Ergonomics: How does it feel in your hand - is it a melter, a crumbler or a squisher?

Packet In: Is the packaging excessive and does it "take the biscuit" for generating waste.

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